Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mooning the Boss

My job on the occasion requires me to put forth presentations from time to time in front of the leaders of our organization and Tuesday was no different.  So before my presentation I went ahead and used the restroom to make sure I didnt have to go during.  Apparently the back of my dress got stuck in my hose.  A few minutes into my meeting I was asked to give my presentation over the completion of contuining education credentials for practicing nurses that work for the state.  So I was going to be up their a while. 

Apparently I got quite animated and turned my back to the crowd on a hand full of occasions.  As I didnt know the presentation went off without a hitch.  However, after the meeting was over as I was leavin Crystal said "Heah you didnt know this but you were mooning us during the presentation"  The back of your dress is caught in your hose.  I was about thre shades of embarassed. 

So after the meeting I sent out appology emails.  Rest assuring them I didnt know all the feedback was positive reassuring me they knew it was accidental.  One of our Executive leaders she reminded me to make sure I look in the mirror before leaving the restroom in the future I told her I would.  I promised  not to make a habit out of moonming people.

Bachelor Party

As last Friday was one of Chris last few as a free man.  The three of us took him out on the town.  I met the guys at Chris's house and we took his C Class since their was just the four of us.  I was notimated the designated driver.  This was no big deal to me as  I didnt mind.  I had bought a dress for the occasion and we met the other three were semi-suited up No Ties!  We started at out the strip clubs by his house and worked our way around the city.  We got him an obserd number of lap dances.  The second strip clud we went to the double d saloon the guys got me a lap dance, which was moderately embarassing.  However, the girl who gave it was a good sport about it as it was a first for both of us. 

The humor in the evening was that all three of my friends tried to take photos of each other doing stupid things.  However as the sober one I thought it was hilarious.  They all got photos however they were off tilt or crooked or not in focus. 

We ended up at 5 strips cluds in OKC and all the guys were totally in the bag.  Around 11pm we started rounding up the evening.  I took Josh home, then Terry, then on to Chris.  After dropping chris off I made sure he made it to his couch I wood have made sure he made it to his bed however the trash cans are closer to the couch. 

Overall I had a great time it was a first for many of us.  Christy was a good sport about and asked me to come to her bachelorette party i was flattered but respectfully declined. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dress Shopping for a Rehersal Dinner

As I have mentioned in previous posts of my best childhood friends is getting married he is getting married next next.  I decided to buy a dress for the rehersal dinner.  So I went dress shopping these are the two dresses that I have decided on and can not decide which one I like better.  My goal was to look nice without looking to trashy or to much like a grandma.  I bought both of the dresses after trying them on and asked my friends which ones they liked and they ended up refering me to their girlfriends and wives.  I swear they are no help.  Jennifer liked the torquiose one and Christy liked the red one.